The Cross

poem by
Yun Dong-ju (윤동주)
year written
poetry collection
Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poetry
(하늘과 바람과 별과 시)
, 1948
The Cross

쫓아오던 햇빛인데
The sun that followed me
지금 교회당 꼭대기
now hangs up there
십자가에 걸리었습니다.
over the high cross of a church.

첨탑이 저렇게도 높은데
The steeple being so high up
어떻게 올라갈 수 있을까요.
I wonder how I might reach it.

종소리도 들려오지 않는데
As there is no bell ringing now,
휘파람이나 불며 서성거리다가
I will just hang around here whistling,

괴로웠던 사나이,
in case I get called to the cross
행복한 예수 그리스도에게처럼
as it was allowed for Jesus Christ
십자가가 허락된다면
the happy one who agonized,

모가지를 드리우고
so I may crane my neck out
꽃처럼 피어나는 피를
and quietly shed blood
어두워 가는 하늘 밑에
which blooms like a flower
조용히 흘리겠습니다.
under the darkening sky.

쫓아오던 햇빛인데
지금 교회당 꼭대기
십자가에 걸리었습니다.

첨탑이 저렇게도 높은데
어떻게 올라갈 수 있을까요.

종소리도 들려오지 않는데
휘파람이나 불며 서성거리다가

괴로웠던 사나이,
행복한 예수 그리스도에게처럼
십자가가 허락된다면

모가지를 드리우고
꽃처럼 피어나는 피를
어두워 가는 하늘 밑에
조용히 흘리겠습니다.

The Cross

The sun that followed me
now hangs up there
over the high cross of a church.

The steeple being so high up
I wonder how I might reach it.

As there is no bell ringing now,
I will just hang around here whistling,

in case I get called to the cross
as it was allowed for Jesus Christ
the happy one who agonized,

so I may crane my neck out
and quietly shed blood
which blooms like a flower
under the darkening sky.
church with a steeple

It appears Yun Dong-ju was too principled to turn a blind eye to what he saw as the most flagrant injustice in his time: his own people suffering under the control of a foreign country. This has put him squarely in a stance of going against the will of the Imperial Japan, which was one of the greatest military juggernauts in the world. Japan operated with an ambition to take over the whole East Asia, wielding its power as the Asia-Pacific half of the Axis powers of World War II. Standing in the way of such a powerful empire would have meant a certain destruction even to an entire tribe or nation, let alone an individual, and Yun must have agonized under the weight of this predicament. In great distress and having few friends who could help him, it was perhaps only natural for him to turn his eye to Jesus Christ, the archetype who fought such a life-and-death battle, albeit in a vastly different scale. The poem shows, in rather plain words, how the young man desperately sought to draw strength from the model of Christ, knowing all too well that he might have to go the way of the Christ in his own small way, as it indeed came to pass.

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Yun Dong-ju (윤동주)

Young idealist poet who fought against the injustices of his day until the very end of his short life

Yun Dong-ju (윤동주, 尹東柱), poet
Dec 30, 1917, in Yongjeong (Longjing), Gando
(present day Jilin Province, China)
Feb 16, 1945 (27), in Fukuoka, Japan
lyric poetry (with political undertones)
major works
Foreword (서시)
A Night of Counting the Stars (별 헤는 밤)
Another Home (또 다른 고향)
The Cross (십자가)
Confession (참회록)
New Road (새로운 길)
A Poem Written Easily (쉽게 씌어진 시)
White Shadows (흰 그림자)
The Liver (간)